Piney Point Lighthouse Museum and Park, Colton’s Point, MD, USA

Piney Point Lighthouse Museum and Park interpretation master plan

Develop the Interpretive Master Plan for the Museum and Park Museum Complex.

Piney Point Lighthouse, built in 1836 at a cost of $5000 is located at Piney Point on the Potomac River in Maryland just up the river from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. The Coast Guard decommissioned it in 1964 and it has since become a museum. It is known as the Lighthouse of Presidents because several early US Presidents visited or stayed on the grounds.

The lighthouse was built by John Donahoo and had a range of 10 nautical miles. Exhibits at the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum focus on the lighthouse, the United States Coast Guard, the Piney Point area, and the story of the Black Panther U-1105 German submarine sunk in the Potomac that now serves as a shipwreck dive preserve. The Potomac River Maritime Exhibit displays four historic wooden vessels in a separate building. Visitors can climb the lighthouse tower when the museum is open for operation.

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