HDC Discrimination Policy

HDC Discrimination Policy

At HDC International we regularly work on projects embedded in rich ethnic cultures. We are keenly aware that many projects require a “soft touch” approach in order to bridge the gap between the sensitivities of ethnic cultures and busines demands.

HDC Discrimination Policy

HDC International is committed to challenging inequality, discrimination and disadvantage. We believe that no person should face unjustifiable discrimination or receive less favorable treatment on the grounds of: gender, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, age, the experience of being deaf or disabled, marital status, sexual orientation (including gay men, lesbians and bi-sexual), gender re-assignment, responsibility for dependents, trade union or political activities, religion/belief, spent offenses or any other reason which cannot be justified.

HDC seeks to provide a positive role model for other organizations and communities wherever it is active around the world. To achieve these aims HDC will continue to:

  • Recognise the varied needs, expectations and culture of local people and reflect these differences in the range, sensitivity and relevance of its services.

  • Recognise and challenge institutional racism and other forms of institutional discrimination.

  • Support the development of communities and assist them in challenging discrimination, harassment and violence.

  • Where relevant, to work in partnership with community groups and other agencies to remove any barriers to fair and equal treatment, which perpetuate disadvantage.

  • Promote tolerance and respect between diverse groups in the community.

  • Acknowledge and celebrate, wherever possible, fragile ethnic cultures.

  • Act promptly on any complaints about our service delivery.

  • Consult clients to ensure that service delivery, policy and practice are appropriate and effective.

  • Apply equal opportunities principles to work undertaken for HDC by all external contractors.

HDC will challenge and overcome racism and all forms of unlawful discrimination, both within its own organisation and the wider community.

Crispian P. Emberson
Managing Director
30 August 2016

Reviewed annually.
Next review date 30 August 2017

A copy of our full Discriminination Policy is available on request.