Baekdubaegan Forest Sanctuary and Climate Change Discovery Center KOREA (part of the National Arboretum/National Forest Service System) Interpretive Plan. JVA has been part of a Korean planning team, with Doha Engineering Co as the prime contractor and including Dr. Ju-Hee Lee, President of the Korea Institute of Forest Recreation and Professor at Deagu University, to help develop the interpretive/education plan for the sanctuary/Discovery Center. The project begin in January 2010 and Phase I of the plan continued through April. Phase II of the planning project will begin in 2011.. The photos below illustrates part of the huge site that will be part of the Sanctuary. Baekdubaegan is a large mountain range traveling through North and South Korea. This project protects a "slice" of this special ecosystem. The photo below shows part of our project area, which includes a 200 acre "visitor contact" area where the Discovery Center will be located as well as trail heads and other services.