Cape May National Wildlife Refuge, NJ, USA

March 2013 - In partnership with the project team of Management Analysis Inc, was awarded the contract to develop the refuge "Visitor Services Management Plan". The project began in February and will continue through 2014. We were responsible for the interpretive services analysis and future interpretive development strategy.

The Cape May National Wildlife Refuge is a protected area on the Cape May Peninsula in Cape May County, New Jersey. It is part of the National Wildlife Refuge System and managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Established in January 1989 with 90 acres (0.36 km2) acquired from the Nature Conservancy, it has since grown to more than 11,000 acres (45 km2) in size, and plans call for its further expansion to more than 21,200 acres (86 km2). It comprises three distinct and disjunct units: the Delaware Bay Division, the Great Cedar Swamp Division, and the Two Mile Beach Unit. Located in in the Northeastern coastal forests ecoregion, the Cape provides habitat for large numbers of migratory birds.

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