Media Based Interpretive Master PlanningEffective heritage interpretation isn't about filling a space with expensive exhibits that don’t actually work!
Effective interpretation is simply put, clear and entertaining audience-focused messages that are relevant and address clear themes and “learn, feel and do” objectives.
Media based interpretive master planning...the one we definitely don’t do…!
Media based interpretive master planning - We see this approach used all the time and is the most commonly used interpretive master planning methodology we see used by inexperienced, untrained or unethical practitioners.
This is a common approach used by most exhibit builders and it is an approach WE DON’T RECOMMEND!
At HDC we spend around 72% of our time fixing sites, exhibits and trail that were planned using this ineffective approach.
What is media based interpretive master planning?Media based interpretive master planning is a simple process. Basically the exhibit company or consultant looks at the space, resource or landscape together with main interpretive topics, and then "plans" what interpretive services or media would go where to best illustrate the story.
The resultant interpretive master plan tends to be focused on two main elements:
The main interpretive topics; and then ultimately
Which media or service to employ at particular locations within site
Big, big mistake! The outcome, of this approach is that a final interpretive master plan is focused on the "place" rather than on the visitor.
This approach invariably costs you more than you needed to spend on getting your messages across and usually leave you with an audience that is feeling confused, bemused and abused...and if they are not happy, they wont be back!
Less is usually more
In the end, media based interpretive master planning approach usually costs you more...and gets you less!
Remember, it is in the interests of the exhibit company to sell you as much as possible by filling the available space.
Not only is this approach unethical, the reality is that in most cases the visitor is left confused and unsatisfied.
The visitor to your site arrives with limited amount time and enthusiasm so if you cant get your message across in a simple and effective way, you are certainly not going to get it across with lots of expensive media that doesn’t get the right messages across.
Don't misunderstand, there are situations where lots of expensive, interactive exhibits are perfect - but only when they are designed to illustrate the interpretive theme message and address "learn, feel and do" objectives.
Good interpretation is simply put, clear and entertaining audience-focused messages that are relevant and address clear themes and “learn, feel and do” objectives.
Good interpretation is planned using interpretive master planning methodologies that work!
Remember less is usually more - filling space with unnecessary media is not the aim. Getting effective messages across to your audience in a cost effective manner is!
See also:
Outcome Based Interpretation Planning
Benefit Based Interpretation Planning
Media Based Interpretation Planning
Interpretation Planning Overview